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application --- proximity and photoelectric sensors
From:F&C   Date:14-03-11   Hits:3383
Universal type proximity switches working on work, positioning the point to limited.
最新小型接近開關,最小可定制Ф3、Ф4、M5系列, 可檢測 鑽頭是否斷了:
Latest small proximity switches, can customized Ф3,Ф4,M5 series to detect whether drill broken.
M8,M12, M18 long range type proximity switches, 2 times or 2.5 times detected range than ordinary type.
高重複定位接近開關,最高可精確可達0.002mm,可應用於模具定位、精雕機找原點、高精度CNC 等;
High repeat positioning proximity switches, upto 0.002mm, can applied to positioning the point accurately.

Hight-speed type proximity switches, M12, M18, 10*10 series can customize 5KHz or 10KHz frequency.
Capacitive proximity switches can detect metal or non-metal, can detect objects via another objects, sensing range adjustable.
FKCT series capacitive proximity switches, detected liquid level, not effected by color or bubbles.
CR系列光電開關, 可定制抗陽光型,主要應用於物流裝置及流水線上應用;
CR series photoelectric switches, customizable anti sunshine, applied to pipeline or logistics unit.
Voltage signal output type photoelectric switches, detected range is 100~300mm, output is 1~5v.
The visible red light, background suppression, detectingd distance fix at set value, small light spot, 100mm or 300mm model for choice.

Short head type proximity switches, can customized much smaller size type and the performance not change.
Aluminum shell, dual output.
Full metal shell, high accuracy, 15mm, 30mm, 50mm, 80mm, 120mm for choice.
Firm structure, smaller size, good protection, many kinds for choice, easy to install.
Ring shape type proximity switches, 6mm, 10mm, 15mm, 21mm diameter sensing hole for choice.
全金屬接近開關,可防飛射物撞擊而損壞, 外觀整潔,有多種型號可以選擇;
Full metal shell, firm structure, clean look, anti flying objects damaged.

可定制2倍、2.5倍、3倍、4倍檢測距離產品,檢測距離遠, 多種尺寸提供選擇;
Can customize 2times, 2.5times, 3times, 4times, detecting range enlarge, many model for choice.
可檢測非金屬物體, FKCT系列接近開關可檢測非金屬管道液體;
Can detect non-metal objects, FKCT series proximity switches sensing non-metallic pipe liquid.
1~5 V voltage output, detecting range is 100mm to 300mm, high accuracy.
Small size, high accuracy, detection range: reflective type max 15cm, through-beam max 500cm.
M18 photoelectric switches, variety of model, can customize sunshine-resistant model.
採用可見紅光,光斑小, 檢測精度高, 檢測距離為300mm, 可調節常開常閉;
Visible red light, light spot is small, detected range is 300mm, can adjust to NO or NC mode.

M18 round shape photoelectric switches, using sensing objects exist or not, have anti sunshine model for choice.
M12圓形光電開關,體積小,檢測距離5CM,15CM, 500CM;
M12 size photoelectric switches, small size, detected range: 5cm, 15cm, 500cm, according to the model.
U shape photoelectric switches, different model, solt width: 5mm, 7mm,10mm or 30mm for choice.
小體積激光傳感器,光斑小, 檢測距離遠,精度高, 漫反射、鏡片反射、對射,主要應用於小物體檢測;
Small size, small light spot, detected range large, refletive type, mirror type, through-beam type selectable.
RGB three color light source, color storage function, can store 8 preset detection mode.
三色數顯兩路 輸出壓力開關,有正壓、負壓、連成壓供選擇,氣壓型壓力開關;Three color digital display, posotive, negative or mix type for choice, gas pressure switches.

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